Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

8th grade sketches~

These are sketchbook challenges done by my 8th graders. Every two weeks they are given an assignment to draw using their choice of media. If they don't know what to draw, I have a fishbowl full of ideas to inspire them.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

doodles on canvas~

These ink doodles were done in my colleague's 6th grade classroom.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Jackson Pollock Mural Painting~

6th grade artists learned about the American action painter, Jackson Pollock. They used a controlled drip-style of adding acrylic paint to this mural. Their mural will hang in our Lincoln Middle Hallway collection in the Fine Arts Wing.

7th Grade Mural Painting~

linear perspective~

2-point renderings for a city planning project in my 7th grade class.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Joseph Cornell Style Boxes~

(inside view)
By Barrette

(top view)

Alexandra (left)
Joie (right)


These constructions were created by 8th grade artists in my sculpture class. They studied the  American artist, Joseph Cornell before deciding upon a fanstasy or dream theme. Each student was required to include a full-figure photo of themselves and were to collage the outside and inside with two dimensional and three dimensional materials. 
I invite you to post a comment to the artists by clicking on the "Post a Comment" below.

Thursday, November 3, 2011